Frequently Asked Questions

Buy Home

Our expert advisors will interview you to understand your profile abroad and according to your needs, they will show you the more than 130 housing options that we have available in more than 12 cities in the country, then they will ask you for your identification document and documents that prove the origin of your resources abroad to start with the signing of documentation and separation of your home in Colombia. Our team will guide you through the entire process of acquiring your home from the moment you separate your property until the delivery of the keys to your own home in Colombia.

It is necessary to demonstrate the origin of your resources and the support of your income abroad, it can be as an employee, independent or pensioner.

To take into account

* Prices and units available depend on each construction company and can be modified without prior notice.

** The socio-economic stratum of the property may vary during or after the development of the project.

*** The images are illustrative and reference; They do not necessarily accurately represent the property.

**** The TRMs published here to calculate the values in USD are for reference.